Our training programs are customized to the client's needs and goals.
Attendees of our training programs are "engaged", and receive significant "take home" value, that allows attendees to participate and contribute to the organization's security mission.
Training Programs and Presentations:
- Street Smarts – Personal Security Techniques for Employees
- Surviving the Unthinkable: Guidance for Surviving Active Shooting and other workplace disaster and emergency situations
- Prevention & Management of Workplace Violence
- Commercial and Retail Robbery Training for Employees
- Substance Abuse in the Workplace Programs
- Prevention of Information Loss & Computer Crime
- Executive Briefing: Security Programs & Risks 2008-2010
- Forensic Document Techniques for Claims & Investigations
- Mail Safe: Mail & Parcel Handling
- Civil & Criminal Investigations for Security Professionals
- Executive & Personnel Protection for Security Professionals
- Prevending Violence: Threat Assessment Countermeasures